JK House Training is kindly organising a Coastal Tab taking in some of the amazing scenery on the Purbecks which JT loved so much.
Trek 15 miles in a loop across the unforgiving Purbeck hills, steep slopes, narrow paths and tough stairs, push yourself to the max as you take in the breath-taking scenery along the Jurassic coast.
Join us on this walk around the stunning Purbecks on 11th June, looping around to the Royal Marine Commando’s Memorial where we will lay poppies in memory of John Thornton. Raising funds as you walk for two brilliant charities the JTYAF and MYTime Young Carers.
Make a real difference to young people, give them the opportunities they deserve and help them to reach higher. Helping 2 local charities recover and continue their outstanding work with young adults and children:
Register your interest by completing the form below: