Can we be your First Fiver?
/The #FirstFiver campaign coincides with the launch of the new plastic £5 notes, with charities asking people to donate their first shiny new five pound note to a charity of their choice.
We'd be more than grateful if you'd like to pledge your first new £5 note to the JTYAF and share your image on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #FirstFiverJTYAF
The campaign first started a week or so ago when John Thompson, a corporate fundraising consultant from Hertfordshire, posted a tweet pledging to give his first new fiver to a good cause. "People were being really negative about the new design, and I just thought charities would be more than happy to have them - that's where the idea came from."
So if you've got a new £5 note and would like to donate it to the JTYAF please leave it in one of our collecting tins locally, drop it to a member of the team or pledge it to donate at a later date. Don't forget to take your selfie first!
Your donation will go towards helping local young people to take part in activities they wouldn't usually be able to fund themselves.