Dawn to Nurse in Sri Lanka


Dawn Keates is a nursing student at Bournemouth University and will be travelling to Sri Lanka with Work the World to take up a student nursing placement in a hospital which caters for a huge population surrounding the city.

Because the hospital also functions as a teaching centre, she will work closely with Sri Lankan students. This has benefits in terms of language (most of them speak English), but also means that she will be in the perfect position to learn more about the evolving healthcare in Sri Lanka as the nation develops. Although disease such as dengue fever and leprosy are still evident, there has been a rise in patients presenting with lifestyle related illnesses like heart disease.


Dawn is pictured above right with Sophie during their busy fundraising day washing cars


This is certain to be an amazing experience for Dawn and she has worked extremely hard to raise funds for this trip, from running to car washing, you name it she's done it!.  The JTYAF is delighted to support her by 'fund-matching' the amount that she has raised herself and we look forward to hearing all about her achievements.