JTYAF Supporting Students at Beaucroft Foundation School
/The JTYAF has been supporting students at Beaucroft Foundation School for 12 years providing funding which has enabled the school to offer opportunities for exciting and meaningful experiences for their young people.
Beaucroft caters for children and young people between the ages of four and nineteen who are experiencing learning difficulties, including complex needs, and those with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The pupils’ needs range vastly and the school is dedicated to giving them the very best education that they deserve.
In 2023 the JTYAF awarded £5000 to Beaucroft Foundation School which has been used in a variety of creative ways to benefit the children. So far this year the JTYAF has funded :-
9 Virtual Discos for the Whole School
Another Specialist Buggy
Leavers Hoodies for Years11 and 14
Subsidised meals for the students Prom
Yoga Mats
Class visits, including Bovington Tank Museum and Monkey World
Ipads as communication devices
We wish the students and staff all the very best as they open their new college site in Wimborne on 5th June. The location of the new college will enable the students to contribute to the local community in a relevant and meaningful way. The very successful community café will also thrive with a permanent base in the heart of the community. A shop, workshop and horticultural enterprise will also contribute to enhancing social value and create a community resource the whole town can be proud of.