Over £1000 raised at Crane Valley's 3 Captain's Charity Day


The John Thornton Young Achievers Foundation (JTYAF) is honoured to be supported as ‘Charity of the Year’ by the three Captains at Crane Valley Golf Club. Their recent Captains Charity Fun Day was a huge success and raised an incredible £1045 for the JTYAF!

Twenty six teams braved the elements and the wind and rain didn’t manage to dampen their spirits as laughter and cheering was heard all around the course. Pete Thornton, joined the three Captains for his first round of golf for many years and thoroughly enjoyed his day.

The fantastic total of £1045 would not have been possible without the support of all those who took part and special thanks must go to the volunteers whose time and effort made this event possible.

Pete and Linda Thornton were delighted to meet up with James, one of the Crane Valley juniors, who had received a JTYAF Award in 2019. He was proud to be supporting the charity day as his bursary had enabled him to really develop as a golfer and work towards his ambition to play at professional/semi professional standard. Since his award he has reduced his handicap to an impressive 13 at just 15 years old and we wish him every success for the future.

Left to right: Pete Thornton, James , Ladies Captain, Shani Bancroft and Men’s Captain, John Astley.

Left to right: Pete Thornton, James , Ladies Captain, Shani Bancroft and Men’s Captain, John Astley.

The three Crane Valley Captains have shown tremendous commitment and support for the JTYAF. Despite these challenging times with lock-downs and restrictions they have organised two charity events and raised in excess of £2000! They are a fabulous bunch of people and we can’t thank them enough.