Josh is the First Winner of a New Award

Josh pictured with his coach.

Josh pictured with his coach.

Josh, a student at Ferndown Upper School, has become the first winner of a new award funded by Wimborne Rotary in a partnership with the John Thornton Young Achievers Foundation (JTYAF).

Josh is working towards gaining qualifications which will enable him to become a skate coach and plans to enter competitions. The £500 bursary awarded to him by Wimborne Rotary will, when restrictions allow, enable him to have more skate lessons, enter competitions and assist in attending a one-week skate camp in Germany.

A very keen skater, Josh normally trains at an ice-rink but because of lock down he missed out on his first proper competition and skate tests. But that has not stopped him improving.

Asked how he is coping during this difficult time, Josh says,” Every day during lock down I have been improving my strength and flexibility and have been doing four group online off-ice training sessions with my coach and other skaters every week.”

“I got off-ice roller skates, specially made for figure skaters, so that I could keep up practice on blades, practicing my routines for my tests and competitions. My aim is to use this award to help me achieve more levels, so I am closer to becoming a skate coach”, he added.

Rotary President, Neil Hutchinson, is delighted that this new award scheme has seen its first winner and said, “Our aim is to benefit Young Achievers from the local Dorset area and Josh typifies the type of young person we are eager to support”.

The JTYAF is delighted to facilitate this award.