Junior Leaders Raise almost £10,000 for the JTYAF!

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The Air Cadets on this year’s Air Cadet Junior Leaders Course have been impacted by the effects of Covid -19 in the same way as every young person in the UK. Their course was cancelled as we went into lockdown and they were unable to complete the famous Test Phase, which would have given them the opportunity to put into practice the leadership skills that they had developed during the course.

As part of their qualification the Junior Leaders are tasked with organising a fundraising event for the JTYAF. These outstanding young people were not to be deterred by a pandemic and came up with a whole range of innovative ideas and virtual challenges in order to complete their task.

We can’t thank them enough for the almost £10,000 that they have raised for John’s Foundation. At this challenging time for charities with events cancelled and fundraising so difficult, the Junior Leaders efforts are more crucial than ever this year.

Huge thanks to Junior Leaders Course 21, to the friends and family who supported their activities so generously but especially the Junior Leaders themselves who have shown a huge commitment to the JTYAF.

We wish you every success for the future.