Thank You to Mags4Dorset For a Fantastic Year of Support!

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We are extremely grateful to all the team at Mags4Dorset for a fabulous year of support. They selected the JTYAF as their ‘Charity of the Year’ for 2019 and gave us our very own column in both Mags4Dorset and the Viewpoint magazine. This was a fantastic opportunity to raise the profile of John’s Foundation and also promote our events and the work we do.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our year in partnership as they’re a lovely bunch of people and it’s been a real privilege to have the support of this successful local family business.

As if that wasn’t enough they presented us with a donation of £500!!

A huge thank you to Mags4Dorset for their generosity and support. £500 will pay for the JTYAF award to one of the first schools next year providing amazing opportunities to some of the youngest members of our community. We believe a trip to London to see the Tutankhamen Exhibition is planned early in 2020. Many of the children have not been lucky enough to visit our capital city, so this will be an exciting adventure them.